66toolkit changelog
66toolkit currently has a total of 34 updates ✨ from 11 May, 2021 🗓️.
The latest 66toolkit version is 33.0.0 and it was released on 3 March, 2025.
All of the updates for 66toolkit will be displayed on this page. 66toolkit versioning is based on the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH system.
Update 33.0.0 - 3 March, 2025
- Implemented the new SEO improvement that allows to dynamically generate more links in your tool pages by showing optimized last submissions links.
- Implemented the new theme for Tools widgets (3 per row).
- Implemented the new ratings system for Tools, including rich snippets (structured data) for better SEO.
- Implemented the ratings system statistics in the admin panel for the Tools system.
- Implemented the ability to track total submissions/checks per Tools for statistics purposes.
- Implemented the new payment gateway for One time & Recurring payments: LemonSqueezy 🍋.
- Implemented the new Spotlight search system - Enabled via the admin panel - settings page.
- Implemented all the available open graph tags to automatically work on all public pages to boost social media activity.
- Implemented the new way to set your custom theme color from the admin panel via a pre-set palette of colors.
- Implemented the HSTS header for security purposes on all endpoints.
- Implemented new BETA feature that automatically detects when you write example.com in an URL required field and automatically adds the required "https://" in front of it.
- Implemented the ability to control & specify if Iframe embedding is allowed on your site (disable, enable for all, or enable for specific domains only) via the admin panel.
- Implemented the new blog posts rating system.
- Implemented rich snippets (structured data) for blog posts with ratings for improved SEO.
- Implemented the ability to hide the account settings newsletter subscribe option - from the admin panel - settings page.
- Implemented the ability to set a custom branded color & border radius for all emails sent.
- Reworked the tools search and extremely improved the search performance.
- Reworked the tools views & submissions statistics page in the admin panel to be separated.
- Reworked the tools headings for widgets.
- Improved call to action buttons where feasible for system emails that are sent out.
- Improved meta parameters with more details for OpenGraphs and Twitter cards.
- Documentation integrated with the main look of the product website.
- Dark/Light mode can be switched now from CMD/CTRL + I shortcut.
- Improved & changed certain SVG icons to better support the dark mode look.
- Improved SEO by denying indexing on app routes that should not be indexed.
- Improved the image optimizer plugin to have a working fallback option when the public API fails.
- Fixed issues with certain IPs in the IP lookup tool.
- Fixed image optimizer plugin issues where it might not work in some cases.
- Fixed issues filters in the internal notification system.
- Fixed issues FAQ structured data schema on the landing page.
Update 32.0.0 - 3 February, 2025
- Implemented the ability to write a custom javascript code in the admin panel - that will only trigger on the first login of a user, after a successful registration.
- Implemented the ability to write a custom javascript code in the admin panel - that will only trigger on the thank you page after a successful payment of a user.
- Implemented the ability to add custom keys & values for the Language file directly via the admin panel.
- Now you can add as many testimonials & FAQ's dynamically via the language file as you wish to.
- Implemented the new Admin panel Payments API to retrieve the latest payments or a single payment.
- Implemented the ability to set a default payment type from the admin panel - settings - payment page.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Landing page with the Organization, Breadcrumbs & FAQ list.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Plans page with the available payment plans of the website.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Plans page with the available payment plans of the website.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Blog page with the BlogPosting native schema.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup for breadcrumbs on most publicly available pages..
- Implemented o1, o1 mini, o3 mini to the AIX plugin.
- Confetti animation has been added on the first login of a user after a successful registration.
- Trimmed the animation on scroll library to reduce the size of the file (-50% in size).
- Now the admin panel - settings - cron page will show a visual warning when your cron jobs stop running.
- All plan monthly limits will now automatically reset when a user purchases a new plan.
- The adblocker modal will now only trigger on pages where ads are supposed to be shown, ignoring pages that do not even have ads displayed.
- If the user does not have access to the Export PDF feature, he will be blocked to use the browser printing functionality now.
- Fixed issues with certain plan limits being wrongly reset (instead of monthly).
- Fixed issues with certain language flags not being able to be used in the creation of a new Language via the admin panel.
- Fixed the Invoice page using the white label feature - when it shouldn't.
- Fixed the PDF & CSV export limitation based on plans not being applied to all pages.
- Fixed the Charts not displaying when a logo in the website is not set.
- Fixed a few issues with missing translations.
- Fixed issues with countries filtering in the broadcasts system.
Update 31.0.0 - 6 January, 2025
- Implemented the ability offer full white-labeling to the end user (custom Title, Logo & Favicon) customizable based on plans.
- Implemented the ability offer the Export (PDF, CSV, JSON) features on a per-plan basis.
- Implemented the ability to Bulk Delete Email Signatures for the Email Signatures plugin.
- Implemented the ability to view & manage the Team members via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion).
- Implemented the ability to use a one-click button to select / deselect permissions of a user from a Team.
- Implemented the ability to set default order by via the Account Preference page for all resources.
- Added referrer policy tags to favicon image requests for more added privacy.
- Improved the language update process to automatically update all resources using that language (in case the language code/name changes).
- Removed GPT 4 Vision Preview from the AIX plugin (deprecated).
- Security improved checks against direct access to certain PHP files.
- Updated the available countries list & language locales to a more accurate one.
- Footer socials links now use the noreferrer tag for added privacy.
- Reworked the admin panel widgets for more available space.
- Updated a few used external libraries of the project to their latest released versions.
- Improved SEO by adding image alt texts for all the landing page images.
- All datetime picker buttons will now show a smaller format as 19 Dec, 2024 instead of 19 December, 2024.
- Improved loading speed in certain cases by minifying a few unminified JS libraries (select2, daterangepicker).
- All charts now are automatically watermarked with your website's logo.
- Multiple other small improvements throughout the product.
- Fixed issue with server sent emails not taking into consideration the Custom Reply & Name.
- Fixed issue with statistics pages not properly saving the filtering (by country, for example) in certain cases.
Update 30.0.0 - 16 November, 2024
- Implemented a custom and more friendly 500 error page (instead of blank white) when issues happen.
- API key regeneration will now not work when the API is not available in the plan of the user.
- Added the currency switcher above the plans section.
- Improved whole system to not product layout shifts when Fontawesome icons are loaded.
- Gravatar avatars are now requested with the no-referrer tag for better privacy.
- EditorJS library files are now stored locally.
- Fixed issue with Custom JS variables not working in pages like the Login, Register, Lost Password...etc.
- Fixed small issues dynamic sitemap generator.
- Fixed issue with content not being editable for broadcasts, pages, blog due to an EditorJS library release.
- Fixed issue with internal notifications system not sending notifications when filters are used.
Update 29.0.0 - 12 October, 2024
- Implemented the ability to send filtered broadcasts/internal notifications based on the user language.
- Reworked the page that shows up when a database error is triggered to a more beautiful & simple one.
- Reworked the sizing of the images shown when no data is found in different pages.
- Reworked all the admin panel statistics pages empty states.
- Updated the MaxMind ciy/countries tracking databases to their latest versions.
- Updated the chartjs library to the latest version.
- Improved the pay page look when numerous payment gateways are available.
- Improved the push notifications plugin to support using variables and fixed issue with certain strings.
- Improved the structure and look of the account settings page 2FA section.
- Cleaned up a few pieces of unused CSS code.
- Fixed visual issue with the plugins page from the admin panel.
- Fixed domain update page bug with custom not found URLs.
- Fixed admin panel ad blocker detector feature not properly working.
- Fixed taxes not displaying properly on checkout when using tax values with decimals.
- Fixed broadcast issues with trackable links within the email sent in some cases.
- Fixed broadcast view page errors that trigger in some specific cases.
- Fixed issues yookassa payment gateway.
Update 28.0.0 - 13 September, 2024
- Implemented the ability to set a custom Reply To email for the SMTP system.
- Implemented the ability to set custom CC, BCC emails for the SMTP system.
- Implemented the ability to set the amount of days the Remember Me cookie will be kept, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to use Custom Variables inside the Custom JS field of the admin panel - settings - custom page.
- Implemented the new redesigned admin panel dashboard widgets, along with the new monthly data.
- Implemented the new Cities Statistics chart for admin panel - statistics - users map page.
- Implemented the new Device Type Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
- Implemented the new Browsers Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
- Implemented the new OS Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
- Implemented the new Payment Processors Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the new Payment Plans Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the new Payment Types Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the new Payment Frequencies Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the ability to send out webhooks when a user updates their profile settings, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to translate announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
- Implemented the ability to translate affiliate plugin custom notes via the admin panel - settings - affiliate page.
- Implemented the ability to use custom variables & spintax for announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
- Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Broadcasts: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
- Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Internal Notifications: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
- Implemented the ability to use new variables for Admin Broadcasts & Admin Internal Notifications, such as User country, city, browser, os...etc.
- Implemented admin panel version notification bar which will alert you when new product updates go live.
- Implemented the ability to set a description (meta) for featured images in blog posts.
- Implemented the ability to Custom Body contents (Google Tag manager for example) via the admin panel - settings - custom page.
- Improved PWA plugin setting to be able to display the info download bar after X amount of seconds.
- Added the total users & percentages used for each admin panel - languages page.
- Added the users percentages used for each admin panel - plans page.
- Google, Cloudflare, Turnstile captchas will now support Dark Mode when used.
- Reorganized the admin panel - settings - main page.
- Admin panel - settings - announcements can now be enabled/disabled with ease (instead of removing content to disable them)
- Reworked the admin panel - plugins page to a more aesthetically pleasing one.
- Reworked the admin panel - codes page look and UX.
- Improved the look of the campaigns list table.
- Improved all the creation on / updated on tooltips to include how much time has passed.
- Fixed issues with incorrect dates showing on charts when different timezones are used.
- Fixed issues with some complex filters when used in the admin panel.
- Fixed issues with Broadcast links not properly working in some cases when tracking is enabled.
- Fixed issues with Broadcast View Stats page not properly working in some cases.
Update 27.1.0 - 29 July, 2024
- PHP 8.1 is now minimum required PHP version.
- Improved prompt for AI translations in the admin panel.
- Added GPT 4o and GPT 4o mini in the admin panel settings for auto translations.
- Added versioning to all asset links to avoid potential issues on new updates due to cached asset files.
- Ads & cookie consent message (if set) will no longer show when using the print option of a browser.
- Improved the admin panel - settings - cache page.
- Reworked the cron job stats cleaner to be more performant and use less resources.
- Fixed image manipulation tools bugs.
- Fixed blog RSS not working properly in the presence of some characters.
- Fixed duplication of resources issue when the name of the duplication is too big.
- Fixed footer pages icons not showing up.
- Fixed display issues of dropdowns in some data tables.
- Fixed admin panel push notifications campaign filters not saving properly - push notifications plugin.
- Fixed admin panel push notifications pagination not properly working - push notifications plugin.
Update 27.0.0 - 25 April, 2024
- Implemented the ability to have separate tools categories pages.
- Implemented the ability to have tools categories expanded or not.
- Implemented the Export to PDF functionality to the frontend app.
- All password fields now have a button to toggle the visibility.
- CSV & JSON export files are now dynamically named by the title of the page.
- Filters are now kept after a successful resource deletion (instead of resetting the filters).
- The currency switcher is now only displayed in pages which are related to making payments.
- Many other subtle improved visuals in certain parts of the product.
- Improve all bootstrap CSS files to generate themselves smaller without unused components.
- Fixed issue with Microsoft Login - now it will only work if the user initially created his account with the Microsoft Login feature.
- Fixed all chart issues when enabling printing from the browser.
- Fixed admin panel printing not being scrollable.
- Fixed a few sanitization issues in the backend.
Update 26.0.0 - 20 March, 2024
- Implemented and released the new Pro Tools plugin - +1,800 new tools.
- Implemented the ability to translate plan titles, descriptions from the admin panel.
- Implemented more details and capabilities for the SSL Lookup tool.
- Implemented Brotli Checker tool.
- Implemented Barcode reader tool.
- Implemented HTTP2 checker tool.
- Implemented many new image conversion tools for AVIF TIFF TGA NEF.
- Implemented many new time conversion tools that were missing.
- Implemented conversion tables for all the unit converter tools for better programmatic SEO.
- Improved look of the teams delegation header bar.
- All image input fields now have a way to remove the selected image file to upload.
- Reworked redundant and duplicated code for certain tool categories to be more optimized with less code and less translations.
- Improved the HTTP headers lookup tool.
- Improved the teams page from the teams plugin to look better and display the total teams.
- Improved the menu dropdown logo to automatically change when theme is switched light to dark (or vice versa).
- Improved the theme settings in the admin panel to support the Offload plugin.
- Numerous other visual consistency cleanups and code optimizations.
- 404 pages now display a button to the dashboard if a user is logged in.
- Easier navigation to the homepage or dashboard from the admin panel sidebar logo.
- Chart colors now automatically adjust based on the theme settings you set in the admin panel.
- Admin panel user editing now propagates to all SSO connections.
- Fixed issue with code redeeming via the Account redeem page.
- Fixed colors accessibility issues on the homepage.
Update 25.0.0 - 20 February, 2024
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable AI scraping on your website content - from the admin panel.
- Implemented new handler for pages that do not show data because of filtering for better UX.
- Reworked many file image uploaders to support image preview & look better.
- Added the currency parameter to the Thank You page URL after a successful payment.
- Improved Offload plugin - region can now be edited in all cases.
- Fade in animation for all pages is now reduced from 1s to 500ms for a faster and snappier feel.
- Removed complex fade animations for the hero section on the landing page to improve LCP for SEO purposes and UX.
- Improved header text and buttons in some app pages not being consistent and responsive properly.
- No data, Thank you, Affiliate, 404 svg images now support dynamic colors - based on the theme color.
- Improved the affiliate page, now it will show a range of potential commissions (ex: "10% - 50%" instead of "variable commission").
- Improved the admin panel theme page to be a bit easier to understand.
- Improved the search functionality on the tools to be more performant and look better.
- Improved the CTA section on the landing page.
- Fixed language creation/updating when using certain characters in the name of the language.
- Fixed broadcast statistics viewing page issues.
- Fixed SSO issue when using it with a logged in team member.
- Fixed landing page accessibility issues that might affect SEO.
- A lot of other behind the scenes things that have been changed and improved.
Update 24.0.0 - 26 January, 2024
- Implemented the ability to enable and display latest Blog posts on the homepage footer.
- Implemented tools categorization and ability to select/deselect all tools with ease in the admin panel settings and plans section.
- Implemented 900+ new data converter tools.
- Reworked all the data converter tools and removed redundant translations & code.
- Reworked the whole discounts system to be able to choose the Plans for the discount, directly on the discount creation page in the admin panel.
- Cookie consent dependancy upgraded and improved to support RTL.
- Reworked overall look and improved the landing page design.
- Improved the admin panel language update page - added scroll up / down floating buttons.
Update 23.0.0 - 16 January, 2024
- Implemented the new account preference page.
- Implemented PHP 8.3 support.
- Implemented Webhooks that execute before a Cron run and after a Cron run. Helpful when wanting to monitor Cron executions.
- Implemented the ability to enable automatic user plan expiration checking via the cron job, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to enable automatic "remember me" checkbox checking when logging in, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to display social media icons on all the emails sent out.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the PWA installation helper bar.
- Implemented ability to add your company legal details to all sent out emails.
- Implemented ability to enable/disable the whole breadcrumbs system.
- Implemented ability to enable/disable the pagination widget when only one page is available.
- Improved the template of all the emails sent out by the system.
- SSO links will now display in the admin panel as well.
- You will now be able to disable the SSO links from automatically displaying in the menu.
- Improve PWA installation bar not showing on mobile iOS for Safari.
- Bootstrap popper dependency upgraded to the latest version.
- Upgraded cookie consent library to the latest 2.9.2 version.
- Improved admin panel - settings - cron page with copy and execute buttons.
- Improved the way plan savings for annual memberships are displayed.
- Improved the look of the DNS Lookup Tools page.
- Fix language change from the footer language selector issues.
- Fix admin taxes deletion not working properly.
- Fix annual plan savings not showing the proper currency.
- Fix currency switcher not working properly when a user is logged out.
- Fix small issue with Midtrans payments being classified as other payment gateways.
- Fix not being able to change the Plan Trial Done status when editing a user in the admin panel.
Update 22.0.0 - 14 December, 2023
Extended licenses holders ✨
- Implemented SSO (Single Sign On) support where you can automatically switch between AltumCode software installations with a single click of a button.
- Implemented Multicurrency support for payments.
- Implemented the ability to set default payment processor on a per-currency basis.
- Implemented the ability to set allowed currencies on a per-payment-gateway basis.
- Implemented Midtrans payment gateway for one time payments.
- Implemented Yizico payment gateway for one time payments.
- Implemented Flutterwave payment gateway for one time & recurring payments.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the password requirement when first logging in via a social network.
- Implemented a subtle prompt to install the PWA app with instructions based on the device for the PWA plugin.
- Implemented a new "Health check" page in the admin panel - settings section.
- A better looking custom scrollbar is now applied on all widgets that are scrollable.
- Improved the looks of the "Logged in as Team" bar at the top of the page for the Teams plugin.
- Upgraded bootstrap CSS/JS to latest v4.6.2.
- Push notification subscription modal will now only automatically show to the user if their browser is compatible for the Push Notifications plugin.
- Stripe implementation has been reworked to support the latest available API version.
- Fix pay page not having default values selected in some cases.
- Fix ad blocker detector not working properly.
Update 21.0.0 - 17 November, 2023
- Implemented the ability to set a custom start URL - PWA plugin.
- Implemented notification badges for installed PWA instances in case the user has an internal notification pending - PWA plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set preview screenshots for mobile and desktop when installing the PWA of the app - PWA plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set shortcuts for contextual menu on the PWA app - PWA plugin.
- Implemented admin panel statistics page for Internal notifications sent.
- Implemented new filters for users logs: device type filter, city search, continent filter, country search, browser name and browser language.
- Implemented new custom select component with search for the frontend and admin panel.
- Implemented admin panel new details and filters for each user based on last login: OS Name, Browser language, Device type.
- Implemented admin panel new filter for broadcasts: device type.
- Implemented admin panel new filter for internal notifications: device type.
- Implemented the ability to change the default payment frequency selected, via the admin panel.
- Implemented popular tools to display on the home page.
- Tool categories on the home page are now collapsable for easier navigation.
- The ad blocker detector will only be triggered when a user is not logged in and does not have the No ads plan feature.
- Cleaned up and optimized duplicated translations.
- Admin panel taxes can now be deleted in case they are created by mistake.
- Implemented the ability to set a custom delay for the ad blocker detector modal via the admin panel.
- Fix internal notifications URL destination bug.
Update 20.0.0 - 13 October, 2023
- Implemented the ability to set icons for custom pages created in the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to change the tracking type and cookie tracking duration of the affiliate system.
- Implemented Ad blocker detection alert system.
- Implemented Ad blocker detection lock content until ad blocker is disabled.
- Implemented Admin panel Webhooks for Domains creation & update events.
- Implemented the ability to change the main font of the whole website directly from the admin panel.
- Implemented Database tables size stats in the admin panel statistics page.
- Implemented Search widget for the Blogging system.
- Implemented Redeemed Codes Statistics page in the Admin panel.
- Implemented User's plans distribution statistics table in the Admin panel.
- Implemented Blog RSS feed.
- Implemented Microsoft social login.
- Implemented canonical tags for public pages where they will help with SEO.
- Implemented the ability to change the OpenAI model for admin panel translation usage.
- Implemented the ability to set a CDN via the Offload plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set a Language flag and also set the order of the Languages via the admin panel.
- Improved the Pay page by displaying an alert on the title when leaving the page.
- Improved the UI on the admin panel statistics page.
- Cleaned up the share buttons used in places like blog posts & custom pages and added Telegram share button.
- Upgraded ReCaptcha, PHPMailer, TwoFactorAuth, Stripe project dependencies to their latest versions.
- Other small code improvements, changes and tweaks across the whole product.
- Fix API User endpoint not working properly.
- Fix Paypal recurring payment rare issue when the business name is not provided.
- Fix Admin panel Discount update not working properly in some cases.
Update 19.0.0 - 11 September, 2023
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the theme switcher from the footer.
- Implemented FAQ block on the homepage which can be enabled from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to toggle similar tools, extra content and share buttons for the Tools section.
- Improved announcements look on the frontend.
- Improved tools colors on the home page.
- Improved look on plans page.
- Improved look on affiliate page.
- Improved look on the call to action widget on the home page.
- Improved look on plan payment thank you page.
- Improved look and how internal notifications widget works.
- Upgraded from FontAwesome 5 to FontAwesome 6.
- LinkedIn login transitioned to the new version required by LinkedIn.
- Added support for PHP 8.2.
- Added the new Threads social network in the footer - from the admin panel.
- Fixed broadcasts new editor variables not working properly.
- Other overall look and feel improvements.
Update 18.0.0 - 10 August, 2023
- Implemented the ability to change the referral key to a custom one.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable blog system sections: popular widget, views, categories widget, whole system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable pages system sections: popular widget, views, whole system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable testimonials section in the landing page via the admin panel.
- Implemented new blocks type editor for the Pages & Blog articles creation page.
- Implemented new blocks type editor for the Broadcasting system.
- Implemented Spintax compatibility with Internal notifications & Broadcasting system.
- Reworked the languages system to improve the way languages are updated on future versions and SEO regarding the language switching mechanism.
- Improved the blog article edit / create page look.
- Improved the page edit / create page look.
- Improved the broadcasted emails - now you can mark a newsletter as a system email (mandatory) which will now show the unsubscribe button.
- Improved the broadcasted emails - now the user phishing code will show in there as well.
- Improved the caching on some pages that results in further performance improvements.
- Improved the blog category and pages category parts when there are no posts to display.
- Improved the language translation system to show you potential translation errors when dealing with variables.
- Changed the referral key parameter from
. - Fixed internal notifications page not working properly.
Update 17.0.0 - 18 July, 2023
- Implemented new internal notifications system for users and admins.
- Implemented internal notifications broadcasts to users from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to customize the whole bootstrap theme colors via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to track broadcasts links clicks, views and show them in a proper new broadcasts statistics page.
- Implemented the ability to duplicate broadcasts.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the API system completely via the Admin panel.
- Implemented tooltips over the Create buttons (ex: Link create button) where the usage & limits of your current plans are shown.
- Implemented welcome emails to freshly registered users.
- Implemented the ability for the user to specify custom notes for invoices and improved the invoice look.
- Implemented the ability to force HTTPS requests.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed login attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed password reset attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed resend activation attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple registration attempts.
- Implemented LinkedIn social login feature.
- Implemented the ability to only allow social logins registrations.
- Implemented the ability to allow and Display newsletter sign up checkbox on registration page on the Registration page.
- Implemented new broadcasts filtering system by: subscription status, status, plans, source, continents, countries.
- Implemented caching for all the custom pages and pages categories for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for all the blog posts & blog categories for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for plan payment page for higher performance.
- Implemented intelligent performance optimization that will literally 100x and use less server resources for certain cached pages.
- Improved the account settings page look.
- Improved the link statistics pages looks by adding OS and Browser icons.
- Improved the admin panel dashboard - added online users counter.
- Improved all the chart looks, speed and animations.
Update 16.0.0 - 24 May, 2023
- Implemented OpenAI API - Auto translation for the Languages section in the admin panel.
- Improved the Admin panel users page - added is_subscribed filter.
- Improved the documentation pages with code syntax highlighter for better visuals.
- Improved the plans payment switcher button group on the homepage.
- Improved the landing page with dynamic animations.
- Updated MaxMind City & Country databases for IP detection tracking to the latest versions.
- Fixed HTTP headers tool not working properly in some cases.
Update 15.0.0 - 14 April, 2023
- Implemented the new Broadcasts system which allows you to easily send bulk emails to your users.
- Implemented all megabits to other computer data combinations tools.
- Implemented HTTP/2 checker tool.
- Implemented MercadoPago one time payment gateway.
- Implemented the ability to set a maximum upload size for payment proofs of the Offline Payment type of payments, via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the amount of days when the system should send a plan expiry reminder, via the admin panel.
- Improved the admin panel user dropdown menu in the sidebar with all the available account links.
- Improved the admin panel codes page to be able to filter redeemed codes and payments.
- Improved the admin panel taxes page to be able to filter payments based on particular used taxes.
- Improved YooKassa payment gateway to support the receipt parameter.
- Fixed bug with similar tools widget not properly showing views number.
- Fixed index tool searchbar not working properly in some cases.
- Multiple other code fixes & improvements throughout the product.
Update 14.0.0 - 7 February, 2023
- Implemented & released the ✉️ Email signatures plugin.
- Implemented Projects system to help categorize resources (for email signatures).
- Implemented palindrome checker tool.
- Implemented RIPEMD128 hash tool.
- Implemented RIPEMD160 hash tool.
- Implemented RIPEMD256 hash tool.
- Implemented RIPEMD320 hash tool.
- Implemented teams & teams members statistics, viewable from the admin panel.
- Implemented User city & continent tracking, viewable from the admin panel.
- Implemented Admin panel statistics for: Continents, Countries & Devices (including visual map).
- Implemented Admin panel plan duplication feature.
- Implemented user logs city & continent tracking as well.
- Implemented caching for plans making certain pages faster.
- Updated User API Admin endpoint with all the user details.
- Updated Admin User View page to display more user details.
- Improved the chart UI when having a lot of dates selected.
- Fixed meta checker tool not properly displaying utf8 characters.
- Fixed a few translation issues with some image converters.
- Fixed plans and invoice pages not using custom decimal and thousand separators.
Update 13.0.0 - 6 January, 2023
- Implemented all kibibits to other computer data combinations
- Implemented all kilobytes to other computer data combinations
- Implemented the ability to set Meta keywords for blog posts.
- Implemented the ability to set Meta keywords for individual pages.
- Implemented the ability to toggle the publishing status for blog posts.
- Implemented the ability to toggle the publishing status for individual pages.
- Implemented Order by last updated time filters for all resources.
- Fully reworked the UI of the admin panel.
- Fully reworked the UI of the installation, documentation and updating process to match the new admin panel UI.
- Fixed plans and invoice pages not using custom decimal and thousand separators.
Update 12.0.0 - 11 December, 2022
- Implemented all kilobits to other computer data combinations
- Implemented the ability to show/hide the plans section on the homepage.
- Reworked URL redirection for better UX: When you access a page without being logged in, now you will be able to login and automatically be redirected to your initial requested page.
- Taxes set from the admin panel can now contain decimals.
- Reworked all the Yes/No form selectors to switches, for better UX (1 less mouse click).
- Reworked UI pricing plans for tools.
- Fixed blog category page bug.
Update 11.0.0 - 24 November, 2022
- Implemented all bits to other computer data combinations
- Implemented all nibbles to other computer data combinations
- Implemented all bytes to other computer data combinations
Update 10.0.0 - 21 November, 2022
- Implemented bits to nibbles tool.
- Implemented bits to bytes tool.
- Implemented bits to kilobits tool.
- Implemented HEIC to JPG tool.
- Implemented HEIC to GIF tool.
- Implemented HEIC to PNG tool.
- Implemented Turnstile Cloudflare captcha system.
- Implemented Code Redeemed webhook in the admin panel.
- Implemented user deletion email notification for admins.
- Implemented unconfirmed users auto deletion feature, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented a better color picker for all color type inputs.
- Reworked the admin panel language translation pages for better clarity and also performance.
- Improved performance of the whole script & cron job by not running queries to the database when not needed.
- Now you can also upload Webp images in most image upload related forms.
- Fixed issues with ico, bmp & gif converters.
Update 9.0.0 - 23 October, 2022
- Implemented unit converter tools for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.
- Implemented celsius to kelvin converter tool.
- Implemented fahrenheit to kelvin converter tool.
- Implemented kelvin to celsius converter tool.
- Implemented kelvin to fahrenheit converter tool.
- Implemented date to unix timestamp converter tool.
- Implemented unix timestamp to date converter tool.
- Implemented Gravatar checker tool.
- Implemented email notifications for user deletion.
- Reworked all tools URL structure for a smaller, easier to write format.
- New users webhook will now send the source of the user as well.
- New payments webhook will now send the plan expiration date as well.
- Implemented the ability to change the user referred by from the admin panel user update page (affiliate plugin only).
- Cleaned & removed a lot of translations that were similar & duplicated.
- Registration prompts will not show on the homescreen anymore if the user is logged in.
- Taxes for payments can now be set with decimals.
- Fixed Paddle payments bug coming from Paddle changing their API.
- Fixed copy button not working in some tools.
Update 8.0.0 - 13 October, 2022
- Implemented 42 tools for HEX, HEXA, HSV, HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA conversions.
- Implemented color picker tool.
- Implemented number to words tool.
- Implemented file mime type checker tool.
- Implemented random number generator tool.
- Implemented text to upside down text tool.
- Implemented text to old english text tool.
- Implemented text to cursive text tool.
- Implemented list alphabetizer tool.
- Implemented reverse list tool.
- Implemented reverse words tool.
- Implemented reverse letters tool.
- Implemented emoji remover tool.
- Implemented list randomizer tool.
- Added colors for each category in the index.
- Improved theme switcher: now the logo will automatically switch as well.
- Blog category pages now also show a sidebar with widgets, for consistency purposes.
- Fixed blog post not properly setting the opengraph image for social networks.
Update 7.0.0 - 3 October, 2022
- Implemented BMP to WEBP, GIF, ICO, PNG, JPG tools.
- Implemented GIF to JPG, WEBP, ICO, PNG, BMP tools.
- Implemented ICO to JPG, GIF, PNG, WEBP, BMP tools.
- Reworked a few tools, split them into multiple tools for SEO purposes.
- Improved upload type fields: now it will specify the maximum size allowed.
- Updated some external libraries to their latest versions.
- Now you can install the product and use it on PHP 8.1 as well (please report if there are any related bugs).
- Fixed HTML, CSS, JS minifier tools issue.
- Fixed specific email sending with default webhost settings for Email notifications.
- Fixed Image Optimizer tool download button not working properly.
- Multiple code cleanups & improvements throughout the product.
Update 6.0.0 - 10 September, 2022
- Implemented tools categories to the homepage.
- Reworked the admin panel user view page to see all the details available for a user account.
- Implemented the ability to see the source of registration of an account (social, API, normal).
- Implemented roman numerals to numbers tool.
- Implemented numbers to roman numerals tool.
- Implemented gallons to litters (Imperial + US) tool.
- Implemented liters to gallons (Imperial + US) tool.
- Implemented reverse IP lookup tool.
- Implemented JPG to WEBP, GIF, ICO, PNG, BMP tools.
- Implemented WEBP to JPG, GIF, ICO, PNG, BMP tools.
- Implemented PNG to JPG, GIF, ICO, WEBP, BMP tools.
Update 5.0.0 - 5 August, 2022
- Implemented similar tools widget suggestion for some tools.
- Implemented Kg to Lb converter tool.
- Implemented Lb to Kg converter tool.
- Implemented Mph to Kph converter tool.
- Implemented Kph to Mph converter tool.
- Implemented signature generator tool.
- Implemented Km to Mi converter tool.
- Implemented Mi to Km converter tool.
- Implemented 11 new SHA generator tools.
- Implemented MD2 generator tool.
- Implemented MD4 generator tool.
- Implemented Whirlpool generator tool.
- Reworked the QR code reader tool to make it work with more browsers.
- Fixed lorem ipsum tool not working.
- Fixed markdown to html tool not working.
- Fixed Two Factor Auth not working.
Update 4.0.0 - 10 July, 2022
- Implemented PayPal link generator tool.
- Implemented text size calculator tool.
- Implemented BBCode to HTML converter tool.
- Implemented HTML tags remover tool.
- Implemented decimal converter tool.
- Implemented octal converter tool.
- Implemented morse converter tool.
- Implemented ASCII converter tool.
- Implemented fahrenheit to celsius converter tool.
- Implemented celsius to fahrenheit converter tool.
- Improved all file input fields to better looking ones.
- Implemented new payments webhook in the admin panel.
- Fixed image optimizer tool not opening.
Update 3.0.0 - 2 July, 2022
- Implemented text separator tool.
- Implemented email extractor tool.
- Implemented URL extractor tool.
- Implemented image optimizer tool.
- Added language code input for the Text to speech tool.
- Implemented Teams API for managing everything Teams system related.
- Reworked the Affiliate system earnings percentages. Now you can set the percentage on a per-plan basis.
- Reworked the login screen when using two factor authentication for a cleaner look.
- Reworked the Affiliate system referral URL to work on any kind of internal URL.
- Refactored a lot of code, resulting in less translation strings for common recurring words.
- Refactored all deletion modals for consistency purposes, resulting in less code and less translations.
Update 2.0.0 - 28 May, 2022
- Implemented the new Blogging system.
- Can be enabled/disabled from the admin panel.
- All posts & categories are added to the sitemap.
- Admin panel blog posts management page with filters, pagination & bulk deletion features.
- Admin panel blog posts categories page with filters, pagination & bulk deletion features.
- Good looking public blog page with recent posts, categories widget & popular posts widget.
- Implemented the ability to filter, paginate & bulk delete the admin panel pages system.
- Implemented the ability to filter, paginate & bulk delete the admin panel pages categories system.
- Implemented Google cache checker tool.
- Implemented URL redirect checker tool.
- Implemented YouTube timestamp link generator tool.
- Implemented UTM Link generator tool.
- Implemented Whatsapp Link generator tool.
- Improved the pages resources center UI & fixed small bugs.
- Reworked the Paddle implementation to work with the new API changes.
- Fixed text to speech tool download not properly working.
- Fixed 404 page not working properly.
- Fixed user deletion not working.
Initial release - 11 May, 2021